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Adult Braces – progress 

So today was my 6 week appointment at the orthodontist. I’ve been looking forward to it as I get a shiny new white wire on my top teeth which helps me feel as confident as I can in these things(the old wire loses its coating as you brush your teeth and ends up silver by the end of a month.)
Today my orthodontist had planned to extend my brackets to my back teeth. This meant I had to have the cheek and lip extractor in place again, I don’t know how but I had forgotten that part, also the jets of ice cold water followed by suction and mirrors and little beams of light shone at your teeth to bind the brackets on! I got told off by my orthodontist because I wasn’t relaxing my tongue enough, sorry but it’s a little hard when you have so many different impliments in your mouth at once! I was better once I had closed my eyes to take myself away from it all.

To add to the fun one of the brackets came off after she tried to attach the wire so she had to put it back on again, back in went the extractor and we started the whole process again!
That all said and done today I’m excited because my teeth that were set back a little have finally been included in the wires to be brought forward!

Slight set back though after I sat in my car I felt a band ping off my top tooth! More money in the car park machine and off I went back in to get it fixed back on!

I must give credit to the profession though the bands,brackets and tools in general that they work with are tiny! How they place everything so exactly with just the right amount of tension I think is a real skill, I know they get paid handsomely for their trade but it really is an art so hats off to them!

Today I’ve left  my appointment feeling that real progress is being made so I’m happy, this will all be worth it one day I’m sure!

You can read my other blogs on adult braces here!

Adult Braces – the wobbly tooth 

Adult braces- the first tightening 

Adult braces – the wax

Beautiful with braces

Adult braces – first day with no pain!

Braces 2 days in

Adult braces- here we go!

6 thoughts on “Adult Braces – progress 

      1. I have “a year” but I’m so comfortable in them now … I feel like I’ll miss them


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